Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Chase Samuel!

Chase is so adored by everyone in our family. Matthew commented, "when I see other babies I think that kid is pretty cute, but when I see Chase I think he is the cutest baby in the whole world!"Funny how that is. Chase loves eating cheerios, rolling around on the floor, playing in his activity chair, tearing up paper, putting his fingers in the outlet-we just got plug covers-, taking baths, and playing pat a cake. He will be 9 months old on September 14th. People say he has reddish hair. It does have some red in it but it's brown compared to the other red heads in my family. Chase was born with a plugged tear duct that causes his eye to look infected all the time. It always looked goopy and irritated until 2 weeks ago. It just cleared up! I am so grateful we did not have to do surgery like we did for Bryant. It's so fun to see a picture of Chase with healthy eyes!
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