Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Bryant learned to ride a bike last Sunday after church. He is still a bit wobbly but He'll be riding to church in no time. It was freezing cold (40 degrees) but Bryant refused to give in. Maybe the summer clothes will herald in warm weather.

Chase is walking!

Chase turns 15 months on March 14th.

Benjamin the golfer

Benjamin is looking forward to going to the driving range this summer. He also likes having dad pitch the baseball to him.

|Markus scored 5 Goals at his footsall game

Matthew the Archer

Matthew got a new bow and arrow set from BIG 5. He loves practicing in the back yard and the sand pits behind our house.

The New Van

We are so excited to have a sliding door handle that works, seating for eight, a trunk big enough to hold most of the groceries, rear air conditioning for the hot months ahead, and tinted windows so fellow travelers don't have to watch the family fights.